Mr Bingo

Mr Bingo is famous for his playful, oddly beautiful and outright rude art. I worked with him to build a portfolio site that would stand up to the traffic he was receiving, show off the content and be easy for him to update manually with new work


The about page for

Building something for a non-technical owner

If you’ve looked over some of the other self-initiated projects on this site, you’ll notice a theme. I often build sites using Jekyll for the benefit of having a note ultimately converted into a static page. In the publishing stack project, I go as far as outlining the workflow for doing so. However, when I got started on Mr Bingo’s site, one of the key requirements was that he needed to be able to update and maintain content himself.

Bingo is pretty prolific, publishing new work often. He’s also far less likely to enjoy getting stuck into the weeds to configure a workflow that allows for static site generation when an online content management system (CMS) that works out the box would likely be quicker. For this reason, I chose to build a custom WordPress theme for the site meaning he could log on from anywhere and use the existing CMS and array of powerful plug-ins to maintain the site.


The projects view for

The project took a few weeks of evenings and weekends to get up and running and has been successfully maintained for the past few years with minimal bugfixing required. Impressive for a designer, right?